HUBcoin Initial Review

HUBcoin, the newly released Cryptocurrency has started their Initial Coin Offering on

Having a look at the Announcement Thread initially shows that HUBcoin is backed by a fair amount of known and well known Developers which is a good sign since many Altcoins that get released these days stagnate from no real Developer or Development backing.

Effort was made by the Project Lead to source Developers in the PRE- Announcement who are willing to participate, contribute & collaborate their ideas together to create new HUBcoin Apps and Tools designed for the Cryptocurrency Industry.

The Investment targets, future promise & use stated for HUBcoin in the white-paper are truly upbeat and unique with a fair amount of realistic promise.

The HUBcoin ICO also states different levels of buy in points thus making it cheaper for early adopters to enter giving them value compared to entering later.

It is also good to see the mention of whatever coins that don’t get sold will be burnt which is also a clear sign of trust, additionally the HUBcoin code has been programmed to spend limit “Trickle Release” the Dev Team Premine for each individual Developer over the period of 1 Year.

The Initial Coin Offering hosted for HUBcoin ends on the 29th July 2017, once concluded 40% of the Invested funds will be placed as a Buy Back Wall for Investors who have seconds thoughts, feeling uneasy, need emergency fiat, etc.

It should also be noted that the Invested funds will be held and locked by the exchange for 4 days before being released to the HUBcoin Development Team.

In summary HUBcoin is one to keep an eye on, don’t be quick to misjudge the HUB !

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